Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Moving Towards Media Text

In our current society, we are moving more towards media text. The article expresses how we can do this and how we can become comfortable doing so. As the author of the article states, "Faculty may limit their teaching in this way because they lack familiarity with a range of new media texts that they consider appropriate for study in composition classrooms." I have noticed in my semesters at Clinicals that some teachers are not comfortable with presenting media texts to their students. They are often naive on how to show their students these new means of education.

Unfortunately, this prevents teachers from helping studens create examples of media text even though students are eager to do so. This could definitely add motivation for a student that is bored. For example, we are currently creating a piece of media text in Dr. Bishop's class. It allows me to express myself in a different way. I can physically show how I feel and what things are meaning to me.

Unfortunately, according to the article, teachers are not willing to break the barrier of new material being inserted in their instruction time. Some teachers tend to stray away from things that they are not familiar with. If teachers are not familiar with certain media texts it will take extra work and many people are not willing to do so. This can cause many students from expressing their selves rather than just express themselves in writing. This form of text is unique and completely entertaining and a different way to address things.

Monday, March 30, 2009

CH. 11 Developing Content Area Writers

As I read this chapter, it reminded me of class last week. We had the necessary steps in order to lead us in the right direction. Students are able to write to learn. By this statement, I seriously think it means that students are capable of building their own form of thinking and formatting how they think. An example of writing to learn that I noticed in the chapter was, "Building Bridges." I thought it was really neat how the teacher took a simple design of a bridge and made it an investigation for their learning. For instance, on page 312 the teacher opened discussion by asking students what it means to make a beautiful bridge or connection. I think this means that students could use this analogy to connect their purposes of what they are writing about.

Two other strategies that got my attention in the was STOP and LIST. On page 320, it tells us that STOP stands for Stop and Think of Purposes. Most of the time we loss sight of what we are writing about. We literally have to stop and think of what we are writing about. It questions the students on the purpose for their writing. Also on 320 is LIST which means List Ideas and Sequence Them. In this strategy it is to place things in corresponding order. This is necessary for students to organize their writing.

From personal experience, it is easier for me to use the LIST technique. It seems to help me organize my writing regardless of what kind of writing i am writing. I like to get everything out there and then organize it. It is easier for me to set up my paragraphs and sentences to create an awesome writing piece. Strategies like this one has helped me to enjoy writing.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Promethean Board

At Petal Upper Elementary, the school has a board that functions like a Promethean Board. During clinicals, my mentor teacher gives me the opportunity to learn how to use the board. They are very fun. It is connected to the teacher's computer. Anything that she would like to show to the class, will appear on the board. It is quite interactive too. You can create pictures and work on math problems on the board. You can even make marks or circles directly from webpages for students to make notes. I think it is very cool. What is even cooler than that is the students have became technological experts. It gives them training on how certain computer applications work because they can watch the teacher as she does so. Another good thing about the Promethean Board is that it comes along with clickers. The teacher can play games and have the students click their answers in. It gives the amount of students that got questions correct or incorrect without pointing at one particular student. This way the teacher can address information that the students may not have clear.

Ch. 7 Activating Prior Knowledge and Increasing Motivation

Prior knowledge comes from the student’s community and experiences. As stated in the book on page 191, some students may know how computers work because they watch their parents at home. A personal experience that I have witnessed myself was the one where my one year old niece is becoming familiar with Chinese greetings. She often speaks to me in Chinese and has taught me how to do so. (Ni, Hao= Hi) On the chart on page 191 it gives phases as to how a teacher can motivate his or her students. Often students are bored because teachers do not focus on motivating students with facts that they already know. In this chapter, Conley gives ways a teacher can motivate students.

One thing that caught my eye was to create a pre-reading plan. On pg. 199, it gives students a chance to show the teacher what they already know. Teachers can then reflect on the things that their students do not know on the reading selection. Another technique is the KWL chart. I have personally used it several times. The K represents what the students know. However, the W represents what the student wants to know and the L represents what the students learned. It is an excellent way for students to self-monitor what they know and what they want to know and value. These two processes can help increase motivation because it involves the student. For example, I am more excited about my classes when I am given the opportunity to actively engaged. Some things to keep in mind when performing these activities. These things are on page 204-205. Some of them that I thought was important was to emphasize predictions that students make and provide regular feedback. This is the way students apply the knowledge that they are building. By providing feedback, the teacher shows students relevance of what the student feels is important.

The last thing in the chapter that caught my eye was CORI which stands for Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction. It is explained on page 207. It is a planning framework that will add motivation while the students are learning about a particular concept. It activates student curiosity by allowing social interaction and allowing students to become actively engaged in their classroom. CORI goes through many four phases which are mentioned in figure 7.6 on page 208. It shows how students are engaged with others in order to achieve the knowledge that they need to know or value.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Lesson Plan

Curriculum Standard:
MS Frameworks
2. Apply spatial and ecological perspectives to people, places, and environment using social studies tools (e.g., timelines, maps, globes, resources, graphs, a compass, technology, primary and secondary sources, charts, etc.). (C, H, E)
h. Analyze information using social studies tools (e.g., graphs, maps, charts, tables, political cartoons, etc.).

Big Idea: Students will compare and contrast population growth in areas that may affect them in their own cultures.

1. The teacher will review bar graphs.
2. The teacher will tell students what bar graphs are used for.
3. The teacher will show the students an example of a bar graph.
4. The teacher will discuss the important parts of a bar graph.

1. The teacher will tell students that they have to compile data to create a bar graph.
2. The teacher will take a quick survey and ask students to raise their hand for their favorite kind of ice cream.
3. The teacher will use the information to create a bar graph.
4. The teacher will have the students to label the bar graph as she or he puts it on the board.

1. The teacher will pass out bar graphs and have the students read the information about the population increase in South America and North America.
2. The students will compare the population of residents in North and South America from 1990 to the current year, 2009.
3. The teacher will tell students that they will have to create two bar graphs and compare the population of the two continents.

After the students create the two bar graphs and compare the population of the two continents, the students will receive a rubric that will help them to insert all parts of the bar graph which is the x axis label, y axis label, title, bars that represent each year, and units in the y and x axis. After the students receive the rubric, they will complete a survey expressing how clearly they feel the rubric is.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Engaging Learners Teacher Blog

Engaging Learners blog
This blog is a collection of different responses from other teachers that interact on the blog page. There is a discussion on the site of six teachers that describes why they teach. The blog also contains videos that help teachers with particular issues that might occur in their classroom.

Chapter 5 Text

As I read chapter five, I realized the importance of understanding and using text. In my experience with different types of text, I have realized that each one has it’s own role and can be quite complex. There are three main types of texts that were mentioned in Chapter 5. They were informational, narrative, and digital text. Informational is documents, forms, and books that give particular information. These are some what easy to understand because the message is quite apparent. However, narrative and digital text are more complex. Narratives tell a story and the message is sometimes hidden within the text. Digital text have a profit obligation and are often geared towards business motives. In my opinion, narrative text are the most fun kinds of text someone can encounter. I have the opportunity to add what I think about the story and compare it to the author’s thoughts.

It is essential for teachers to express the different types of text and consider which one motivates their students more. In experience I have noticed that the more complex text is, the more motivation students have about the information. I feel that if a student is more motivated about the resources of information, they will be more willing to want to learn the content. In all, the types of materials used has a very strong influence on what a teacher is using.

Text affects how we feel about subjects. As I have found out, that the text needs to be engaging to the students. I think we should have supplements that help them to develop critical thinking skills by asking questions in the reading. This could allow students to continue the hierarchy of thinking. This will help students to become motivated and curious about what subject is being presented to them.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ch.4 Ongoing Assessment

Chapter 4 expresses the importance of ongoing assessments. Nowadays teachers are learning how to perform classroom assessments to meet the needs of all their students through interviews, observations, and classroom conversations. Another way teachers are determining what a student needs is by administering surveys. This could tell a teacher how the student feels about the subject and let the teacher know what motivate the student to learn. In my experience, each child has different interest and have their own pace. A good example of how to create questions for a classroom survey is Figure 4.5 on page 93. Thus teachers and administers have realized that assessments should be “diverse and happening all the time” as stated on page 85. One experience I had is that I was not motivated about the subject I was learning about. The teacher did not take my interest into consideration. As a result, I did what I had to do just to pass the class. Knowing how I felt in this situation, I realized that assessments should be diverse and motivate all students.

The most important thing about assessing students is to know if they understand the content area they have learned about. One of the best ways to do so is perform a content area reading inventory. This way the teacher can observe and monitor what the students are doing. These is essential important because proficient readers often “ignore large chunks of important text information to the detriment of the meaning” as stated on page 100. However, your other students may not be engaged in the content area. In another attempt to find out if students are grasping the information is by teachers giving classroom tests. In order for a test to be well designed, it must be measurable and reliable. However, some teachers make the learning authentic which means that they connect their students’ everyday lives with the content that they are learning. Tips to creating good test are stated on page 100-102. When I was in grade school, when a teacher made my learning authentic, I would remember that piece of information. It became very usual information for me. I can remember using the information to perform certain task and actually enjoyed showing others what I learned in class. One of the most popular ways to assess content area now is the grading of portfolios. I like portfolios because it can give the students’ an opportunity to monitor their own learning. They can also refer back to the portfolio and add additional experiences. However, from experience I have noticed that many teachers do not grade portfolios correctly and often have students compile a bunch of their work and the teachers will grade them on neatness. On page 107, I think it is a really good idea to have students write a small summary on why that piece of classroom work was important in their learning process. This will make learning authentic and have the students to use their critical thinking skills.

Some very controversial assessments in schools are mandated test. These test do not meet the needs of all students. Many students are held behind because they are exit examinations for them to complete school. In my opinion, I think that this is somewhat wrong. For instance, what if you have a student that has made all A’s all the way through school. The student has test anxiety and completely fails the test. Should this determine if the student knows the information? As the book states “state assessments tell only a partial story.” Unfortunately, they have to been given and it is up to teachers to motivate students about these exams with practice questions and items from the test.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chapter 3: How to Pursue High Expectations for Teaching and Learning

Ch. 3 expresses the importance of pursuing high expectations in these times where accountability is vital. In the law NCLB, it is important for teachers to be highly qualified and teach information based on support from scientifically based research. To me, this means that practices should be implemented that has research that shows that it is effective. In order to get to that area, there are two big ideas that the chapter discusses. They include textbook-based big ideas and standards-based big ideas. Textbook-based big ideas include obtaining content knowledge and organizing that knowledge. Standards-based big ideas are based on curriculums for the state requirements. For example, a standard based big idea would come from Mississippi’s Educational framework. However, both are desired goals of learning. Being that they are, teachers should set high expectations for their students. In order to do so, they should instruct students in such a manner that they connect information, assess students, give them accurate time to accomplish goals, and monitor progress. By doing so, they will build community and learn the personalized instruction needed for each student.