Monday, March 30, 2009

CH. 11 Developing Content Area Writers

As I read this chapter, it reminded me of class last week. We had the necessary steps in order to lead us in the right direction. Students are able to write to learn. By this statement, I seriously think it means that students are capable of building their own form of thinking and formatting how they think. An example of writing to learn that I noticed in the chapter was, "Building Bridges." I thought it was really neat how the teacher took a simple design of a bridge and made it an investigation for their learning. For instance, on page 312 the teacher opened discussion by asking students what it means to make a beautiful bridge or connection. I think this means that students could use this analogy to connect their purposes of what they are writing about.

Two other strategies that got my attention in the was STOP and LIST. On page 320, it tells us that STOP stands for Stop and Think of Purposes. Most of the time we loss sight of what we are writing about. We literally have to stop and think of what we are writing about. It questions the students on the purpose for their writing. Also on 320 is LIST which means List Ideas and Sequence Them. In this strategy it is to place things in corresponding order. This is necessary for students to organize their writing.

From personal experience, it is easier for me to use the LIST technique. It seems to help me organize my writing regardless of what kind of writing i am writing. I like to get everything out there and then organize it. It is easier for me to set up my paragraphs and sentences to create an awesome writing piece. Strategies like this one has helped me to enjoy writing.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the strategy about STOP and LIST. I found that very useful in getting students to think about the "purpose" for writing. Organization is KEY!! I soo agree!
