Monday, February 9, 2009

Chapter 5 Text

As I read chapter five, I realized the importance of understanding and using text. In my experience with different types of text, I have realized that each one has it’s own role and can be quite complex. There are three main types of texts that were mentioned in Chapter 5. They were informational, narrative, and digital text. Informational is documents, forms, and books that give particular information. These are some what easy to understand because the message is quite apparent. However, narrative and digital text are more complex. Narratives tell a story and the message is sometimes hidden within the text. Digital text have a profit obligation and are often geared towards business motives. In my opinion, narrative text are the most fun kinds of text someone can encounter. I have the opportunity to add what I think about the story and compare it to the author’s thoughts.

It is essential for teachers to express the different types of text and consider which one motivates their students more. In experience I have noticed that the more complex text is, the more motivation students have about the information. I feel that if a student is more motivated about the resources of information, they will be more willing to want to learn the content. In all, the types of materials used has a very strong influence on what a teacher is using.

Text affects how we feel about subjects. As I have found out, that the text needs to be engaging to the students. I think we should have supplements that help them to develop critical thinking skills by asking questions in the reading. This could allow students to continue the hierarchy of thinking. This will help students to become motivated and curious about what subject is being presented to them.


  1. I agree with you, Ashley, narrative texts are my favorite reading indulgence. I wonder what you think about Conley's statement that they are often more difficult and complex than information texts (p. 132). I mention that in my blog. John

  2. Ashley, I agree with you about motivating your students. We as teachers must motivate our students so they not only get excited about what is being read, but so they enjoy it and actually are willing to dive into the text. Think about how boring it can be to read text books. If we motivate our students and give them a reason to be excited about the civil war, or the industrial revolution they will not only be happier to read the material but they will actually learn something too! I talked about this a lot on my site as well!
