Monday, February 2, 2009

Ch.4 Ongoing Assessment

Chapter 4 expresses the importance of ongoing assessments. Nowadays teachers are learning how to perform classroom assessments to meet the needs of all their students through interviews, observations, and classroom conversations. Another way teachers are determining what a student needs is by administering surveys. This could tell a teacher how the student feels about the subject and let the teacher know what motivate the student to learn. In my experience, each child has different interest and have their own pace. A good example of how to create questions for a classroom survey is Figure 4.5 on page 93. Thus teachers and administers have realized that assessments should be “diverse and happening all the time” as stated on page 85. One experience I had is that I was not motivated about the subject I was learning about. The teacher did not take my interest into consideration. As a result, I did what I had to do just to pass the class. Knowing how I felt in this situation, I realized that assessments should be diverse and motivate all students.

The most important thing about assessing students is to know if they understand the content area they have learned about. One of the best ways to do so is perform a content area reading inventory. This way the teacher can observe and monitor what the students are doing. These is essential important because proficient readers often “ignore large chunks of important text information to the detriment of the meaning” as stated on page 100. However, your other students may not be engaged in the content area. In another attempt to find out if students are grasping the information is by teachers giving classroom tests. In order for a test to be well designed, it must be measurable and reliable. However, some teachers make the learning authentic which means that they connect their students’ everyday lives with the content that they are learning. Tips to creating good test are stated on page 100-102. When I was in grade school, when a teacher made my learning authentic, I would remember that piece of information. It became very usual information for me. I can remember using the information to perform certain task and actually enjoyed showing others what I learned in class. One of the most popular ways to assess content area now is the grading of portfolios. I like portfolios because it can give the students’ an opportunity to monitor their own learning. They can also refer back to the portfolio and add additional experiences. However, from experience I have noticed that many teachers do not grade portfolios correctly and often have students compile a bunch of their work and the teachers will grade them on neatness. On page 107, I think it is a really good idea to have students write a small summary on why that piece of classroom work was important in their learning process. This will make learning authentic and have the students to use their critical thinking skills.

Some very controversial assessments in schools are mandated test. These test do not meet the needs of all students. Many students are held behind because they are exit examinations for them to complete school. In my opinion, I think that this is somewhat wrong. For instance, what if you have a student that has made all A’s all the way through school. The student has test anxiety and completely fails the test. Should this determine if the student knows the information? As the book states “state assessments tell only a partial story.” Unfortunately, they have to been given and it is up to teachers to motivate students about these exams with practice questions and items from the test.


  1. Chapter four does discuss getting to know your students and deciding on the proper assessments to measure a student's knowledge. Within your blog you mentioned that while you were in school a teacher failed to motivate you about the content he/she was delivering to you. This is a big mistake that happens in classrooms all over the nation and has happened to me in the past as well. You should check out Brittany Walters' blog as well because she shares some of the same ideas that you mentioned as well.

  2. Yeah I agree with Brittany. We need motivation in order to accomplish the academic goal. This means that we must observe what are students are doing and what they need to be assessed.
